Thursday, June 25, 2009

My Favorite Campaign Badge

My collection of campaign items numbers around 1,700. Of those, nearly 200 relate to my favorite presidential candidate, Theodore Roosevelt.

I never thought about what may be my favorite badge, but beyond a doubt this 1 1/4 inch Theodore Roosevelt badge is the one:

It is neither the rarest nor the most expensive of Theodore Roosevelt buttons but I have sought it for years. My good friend, Neal, recently decided to sell a good portion of his TR collection. He gave me first choice as well as a bargain price for this one. The badge is not actually in my collection yet--Bonnie bought it to be my Christmas present this year.

I posted a picture of my second favorite, a 7/8-inch button, a while back.
This one is much rarer than the first; I have only seen 3 others like it in my approximately 57 years of collecting. It was a gift from my father.

1 comment:

bretonfilms said...

Hi Mr. Williamson,

My name is Ana Breton and I work for a documentary TV show called "American Ride." It's on BYUtv. We chronicle American history.

We would like to use the picture of the Teddy Roosevelt button on the show. Could we get permission to use it? Let me know.

Please email me at bretonfilms at


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