Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happiness Is An Audience

If happiness is having an audience, I am happier today. Some new guests visited my other blog, Bullmoose Journal. Not only that, they posted comments.

The entries that seem to have caught attention are the one in which I challenge the concept of the "fair tax," and the one in which I dispute the existence of a consensus on global warming.

Everyone is quick to form opinions on those subjects, yet few people have a formal education in the underlying sciences, or even a solid informal understanding of those sciences.

Before anyone can tackle concepts such as global warming and fair taxation, he needs to understand more fundamental concepts such as supply and demand, cause and effect, and the difference between climate and weather. Most people don't have a clue. They cannot distinguish between sound science and faulty.

The politicians and the media take advantage of this ignorance by inundating the public with (often irrelevant) statistics and (usually convoluted) mathematics.

People get caught up in all the emotionality; they don't stop, analyze, and do the simple arithmetic.

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